The Philosophers' Bag - Teaching Philosophy for Kids - Image 1
The Philosophers' Bag - Teaching Philosophy for Kids - Image 2
The Philosophers' Bag - Teaching Philosophy for Kids - Image 3
The Philosophers' Bag - Teaching Philosophy for Kids - Image 4
Projects, Activities, Lesson

The Philosophers' Bag - Teaching Philosophy for Kids

Interested in teaching philosophy for kids? The Philosophers' Bag is the perfect way to teach philosophy while sparking meaningful discussions and encouraging critical thinking, or even marking World Philosophy Day with your students each November. This Philosophy for Kids pack includes two printable labels/covers that can be attached to a paper bag or gift bag, as well as 44 thought-provoking philosophical questions for kids. Simply print and place inside the bag. A student can put their hand in and pull out a question card for the class to think about and discuss. You could also invite your students to add their own questions to the bag for group discussion. This resource is perfect for any Irish teachers using the Learn Together, or Goodness Me Goodness You Curriculum, both of which include elements of philosophy for kids.

Price: NZ$6.19
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